Job description

We are honored to work with our esteemed Advisory Council to help us fulfill our mission of connecting nurses and saving lives!

Clinical Ward Manager

Location : Various locations in UK

Salary Range: £45k

  • Language : English(Preferred)
  • Skill : Critical thinking, Compassion, Problem solving, communication, Time management, Empathy, Flexible, patient assessment
  • Location :Various locations in UK
  • Hospital Type : Private Hospital chain(Multiple location across UK)
Full Job Description

The Ward Manager will be expected to:

  • Ensure compliance with CQC regulations.
  • Act as a role model to the MDT and nursing staff.
  • Lead on MDT meetings for the hospital.
  • Monitoring and auditing of all care documentation.
  • Provide, lead and support clinical assessments for new referrals and for current service users, which help plan and deliver effective, evidence-based treatment.
  • Promote an effective team ethos.
  • Complete annual appraisals and regular supervision for all staff, which reflect these priorities.
  • Ensure staff have access to appropriate training and development.
  • Communicate regularly through meetings with teams and individuals.
  • Provide opportunity for two-way feedback.
  • Ensure management of staff is consistent with the company’s HR policies, to the achievement of equality, equity and optimum performance.
  • Participate in the ‘managers on-call’ rota.

Key Role and Responsibilities - Clinical

  • To be responsible for supervising the delivery of all service user care undertaken within the hospital, in line with the model of care of rehabilitation and recovery.
  • To ensure that each trained nurse is nominated as a key worker to a group of service users, and is responsible for the assessment of needs, implementing and reviewing ‘my care plans’ with the service user and the setting of goals, with the objective of offering individualized care with participation of service users and their relatives.
  • To design, plan and implement the transition plans for individuals ‘moving on’ from the organization, in collaboration with the ‘Moving On’ Recovery Support Worker.
  • To be responsible for ensuring that all nursing care is offered in the most professional manner possible and with reference to the company’s policies and procedures, The Code of Professional Conduct and other publications of the NMC.


  • To be involved with the interviewing and induction of staff who come to work in the hospital. To ensure that all new staff have a supervisor while undergoing their induction, to monitor their development, support on a continuing basis and to assist in the provision of in-house training to staff, in order to improve and consolidate knowledge and understanding.
  • To review the training needs of all staff within the hospital and work with the Registered Manager and members of the MDT and the organization’s Training Lead, on arrangements to meet the individual’s identified needs.
  • To work with the Registered Manager to implement appraisal and to provide supervision, to develop professional skills and knowledge and to support individuals with their role and responsibilities.
  • To undertake regular training to meet the NMC PREP requirements for maintaining Revalidation, and be able to provide evidence of this.
  • Ensure all staff follow legislative and statutory requirements, e.g., Health and Safety at Work Act, Food Hygiene, CQC Regulations, etc.
  • Ensure that all staff observe the provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983: Code of Practice (Revised April 2015).
  • To act in accordance with current disciplinary, grievance, and complaints procedure’s general requirements.
  • Attending meetings, as appropriate.
  • Fulfilling duties of the weekly timetable, including any ‘out of hours’ responsibilities.
  • Are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults and adhering to any relevant safeguarding policies and acting in a way that safeguards the health, safety, and wellbeing of vulnerable adults, at all times.
  • Respect the confidentiality and privacy of service users and staff, at all times.
  • Maintain a constant awareness of health, welfare, and safety issues affecting colleagues, service users, visitors, and themselves, reporting any accidents or fault in line with the company’s policies and procedures.
  • Duties, as instructed by the Registered Hospital Manager.

General Requirements

  • Attending meetings, as appropriate.
  • Fulfilling duties of the weekly timetable, including any ‘out of hours’ responsibilities.
  • Are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults and adhering to any relevant safeguarding policies and acting in a way that safeguards the health, safety, and wellbeing of vulnerable adults, at all times.
  • Respect the confidentiality and privacy of service users and staff, at all times.
  • Maintain a constant awareness of health, welfare, and safety issues affecting colleagues, service users, visitors, and themselves, reporting any accidents or fault in line with the company’s policies and procedures.
  • Duties, as instructed by the Hospital Director and Training & Development Clinical Nurse Manager.
  • Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
  • Cooperate with their employer to ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation and the Health and Safety policies and procedures of the organization, not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety, or welfare, in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.

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Home Care Nurse
  • Language : English (Preferred)(Preferred)
  • Skill : Critical thinking, Compassion, Problem-solving, Communication, Time management, Empathy, Flexibility and Patient assessment
  • Location : Croydon, United Kingdom

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